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In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

In the mother womb

Through the metaphor of sacred human architecture, my concept “In the mother's womb” is based on the idea that the female body, and in particular her womb, is mysterious and a sacred temple for the origins of humanity. Indeed, the form of expression is geometrically abstract and therefore the associations are obviously reminding of a Temple. 
As a matter of fact, also the colors are not occasionally chosen. Inside the womb, there is an amniotic fluid that is composed of nutrients, water, and biochemical products between the mother and the embryo.
Therefore, is commonly called “water” and I assumed that this 
special liquid reminds me of deep ocean water and so the inside of the womb is dark blue. The perfect sphere is representing the early
embryo stage.

©Rafail Georgiev – Raffò


Title: " In the mother womb"

Dimensions :  230 X 67 D cm

Material: spruce, oil colors

Place: Sankt Blasien, Germany

Year: 2022

All rights reserved © 2009 - 2025 Rafail Georgiev - Raffò

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