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Recent videos and interviews from Rafail Georgiev-Raffò

The quest for the soul inside the stone - Търсене в душата на камъка e проект на скулптора Рафаил Георгиев-Рафо, реализиран през 2020/2021 със съдействието на НФК по програма Творчески инициативи и с партньорството на Галерия-Клуб Портал

Interview on Tv- Vratza // Tv Show Kofein

Reporter Polya Tzvetanova Camera Ivailo Nelov

// 2020

Bulgarian culture institute in Moscow online: Video bridge "Sofia - Moscow" on the Kultura.RF portal

Sculptor Rafail Georgiev about himself, about his teachers and exhibitions in different countries.

Series "Young and Recognized" // 2020

Interview on the national Tv7 // 2015

Reportage on the exhibition "Organic matrices" - Rafail Georgiev-Raffò and Alain Eschenlauer on the Bulgarian national tv // 2015

Interview reportage in the Chervenata tochka gallery in Sofia for the exhibition "Organic Matrices" on the BIT TV // 2015

Video Reportage Laura Giovanna Bevione

workshop in Festivale del verde e paesaggio in Auditorium in Rome, Italy // 2013

Invitation for the 4th International sculpture symposium in Santa Ana, Costa Rica // 2017

Online articles about the project "The quest for the soul inside the stone", 2021. (texts and audio in Bulgarian language)

Online articles about exhibition in the Red Dot Gallery in Sofia, 2015

All rights reserved © 2009 - 2024 Rafail Georgiev - Raffò

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