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The name of this sculpture is inspired by its form or better - it's forming. 
I see the sculpture object more as a free-forming structure as a conglomerate of everything and nothing together. Materials are gathering and separating again, mutating and forming new matters with new properties, colors, patterns, textures - like the crystals that are forming in very particular physical conditions  ."InSideOutSideIn" is 
totally symmetrical composition in sense of forms and motion, that are growing or going from inside [one] to outside and back in [to another] again, so from this visual circle, it developed also the verbal synthesis: in-side-out-side-in .

©Rafail Georgiev – Raffò


Title: " InSideOutSideIn"

Dimensions :  310 X 75 X 145 CM

Material: Vratza limestone

Place: Mezdra, Bulgaria

Year: 2020

All rights reserved © 2009 - 2024 Rafail Georgiev - Raffò

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